When we talk about student-centered teaching, we often forget to look at our students and the circumstances that influence their learning. In this seminar, we will explore three areas that often overlap in our students’ lives to the detriment of their education. These areas are trauma and resilience/y, systemic oppression, and neurodiversity. As we deepen our understanding of how systemic oppressions can undermine and disrupt successful learning, we will practice facilitation skills, strengthen our working memories, and learn practical activities to establish stability, increase capacity, become appropriately flexible, and create positive communities for our students while accelerating their critical thinking development and academic success.

The Practical Teaching for Resilient Learning seminar will be our guide through theory and practice in a hybrid online format. We will be asked to reflect on readings, discussions, and our own teaching and social justice work as we develop individual teaching and learning projects that support enhanced resiliency and capacity for our students.

Resilient Communications

As we identify ourselves distinctly from one another, practicing communications that are and feel respectful and appreciative can be challenging. Here are a few recommended readings to support resilient communications in our seminar and your classes (and I trust, all aspects of your lives):


Recommended Resources 

PTRL Seminar Primary Models for Resilient Learning

The Resiliency Principles

The STAR Dynamics

Facilitation Roles-Skills

Data and Statistics:

John Jay/CUNY:

John Jay Fact Books (these are usually 12-18 months behind where we are currently)

CUNY Student Data Books (Current & Historical)

Mental Health/Neurodiversity:

Mental Health (National Institute of Mental Health, NIMH)

33 Alarming College Student Mental Health Statistics

Comorbidity – an overview

Systemic Oppression:

2020 Hate Crime Statistics

26 simple charts to show friends and family who aren’t convinced racism is still a problem in America

Religious Landscape Study: Adults in New York

New York’s Equality Profile (LGBTQIA statistics)

Trauma (also see October assigned readings)

Statistics (National Coalition Against Domestic Violence)

Trauma Statistics

What Is Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder?

Basic Needs:

Income and Poverty (United States Census)

Rates of Food Insecurity Remain High Despite Expansion of New York City Food Assistance Programs

Testimony of the Status of Hunger in NYC and the Impact of COVID

Student Homelessness and Basic Needs Insecurity

This Is All I Got


Understanding Resilience

Family Resilience: A Framework for Clinical Practice

Ambiguous Loss

Ambiguous Loss

Myth of Closure: Ambiguous Loss in a Time of Pandemic and Change, W. W. Norton, December 14, 2021, release


Gina Foster on How Understanding Trauma and Resiliency Can Improve Your Teaching

Connecting Processes and Community in Online Courses

Drama, Trauma, and Mayhem: Engaging Students and Faculty with Capacity and Time

“Remember that Your Students Are Human Beings”

Recommended reading on the Resiliency Principles and the  STAR Model

The Dynamics of Creative Learning (book chapter on Lehman/CUNY students working with resiliency)

Learning and Resilience

Minds at Work

What Is Cognitive Reserve?


Academic Resilience in First-Generation Latina:o Students

Counterpoint in the music classroom: Creating an environment of resilience with peer mentoring and LGBTQIA+ students

Brain development

The neurobiology of childhood trauma and abuse

20 Facts You Must Know about How the Mind Learns

How the Stress of Racism Affects Learning

Learning theory

Mindsets that Promote Resilience

Identity development

Psychoanalysis and Diplomacy Part I: Individual and Large Group Identity

Hitting Home: Irish Identity and Psychotherapy in the UK

Volkan Core Identity 7 Concepts


Transmission of trauma

Collective Trauma Transmission and Traumatic Reactions Among Descendants of Armenian Refugees

Hidden Burdens: a Review of Intergenerational, Historical and Complex Trauma, Implications for Indigenous Families

Collective Trauma

Divides: Students Reflect on Group Conflict (excellent website by and for students on chosen trauma and Vamik Volkan’s work)


Can We Really Inherit Trauma?

The Epigenetics of Childhood Trauma (Part 1)

The Epigenetics of Childhood Trauma (Part 2)

Trauma and the Body

The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma

Understanding a Healing Crisis

Maintaining Your Equilibrium in Tumultuous Times

(2021 John Jay workshop offered by Dr. Peggilee Wupperman, Associate Professor, Psychology)


Recent Conversations:

The Me You Can’t See (free episode here on Apple+ tv)

The Criminalization of Mental Illness: Reckonings and Reforms series (Zoom webinars, information here, series is being recorded)

Mental Health Glossary

How the Pandemic Is Affecting College Students’ Mental Health

The Emotional Toll of Racism

Neurodiversity in the College Setting

Systemic Oppression

Large Group Identity

Large-Group Identity, Large-Group Regression, and Massive Violence

Large Group Identities and Chosen Traumas

Bias and Hate

Education in a Pandemic: The Disparate Effects of Covid-19 on America’s Students 

Escalation of Bias and Hate 

What Is Racism?

Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America (available at Lloyd Sealy Library)

Caste in America; Isabel Wilkerson with John Dickerson

What Is Internalized Racism?

Glossary for Understanding the Dismantling Structural Racism/Promoting Racial Equity Analysis

Examples of Racial Microaggressions

How Microaggressions Reinforce and Perpetuate Systemic Racism in the United States

The Racial Healing Handbook (available in Kindle edition through Amazon)

Misogyny & Sexism

What’s the Difference between Misogyny and Sexism?

Internalized Misogyny as a Moderator of the Link between Sexist Events and Women’s Psychological Distress

Sexual Violence

About Sexual Violence: Statistics

Preventing and Responding to Campus Sexual Violence

Gender Identity Discrimination

Sexual, Gender, and Bodily Diversity Discrimination

Bias against Other Groups: Sexual Orientation or Gender Identity

Religious Bias/Hatred

A Closer Look at How Religious Restrictions Have Risen around the World

Appendix C: Religious Restrictions Index Scores by Region

Is Religious Intolerance and Discrimination Becoming More Common?



Immigration, Xenophobia, and Racism

Immigrants’ Rights


What Is Intersectionality, and What Does It Have to Do with Me?

Understanding intersectionality is critical to advancing educational equity for all



Migration, Separation, and Trauma

A lesson in civility: the negativity immigrant students hear

The Mental and Physical Trauma of 750,000 Kids Living in Limbo


About Refugees

Internal displacement within a geographical location

Root Shock: How Tearing Up City Neighborhoods Hurts America, and What We Can Do about It (available at Lloyd Sealy Library)