According to, “ChatGPT is, in essence, a simple online artificial intelligence chatbot created by OpenAI in December 2022. You can ask it a question, and it will answer that question.” (accessed 2/6/23)

The implications for student learning and instructor assessment of student learning are continuing to evolve, and tests of ChatGPT by multiple users demonstrate that 1) responses by ChatGPT to a variety of questions instructors might pose are difficult to distinguish from those that human being might construct on their own and 2) the ways in which we design and assess teaching are likely to change.

On this page are numerous resources for those interested in understanding and working with ChatGPT. Please feel free to email additional resources and questions to the TLC ([email protected]).

ChatGPT (the technology under discussion): 

Prompt Guides:


Definitions & Impact:
General Teaching:
Academic Integrity:


Across CUNY:

From the CUNY Graduate Center:

From Baruch’s Center for Teaching & Learning:

Here at John Jay:

  • Spring 2023 (January 24) John Jay Faculty Development Day Takeaways:
  • ChatGPT. Over lunch at yesterday’s Faculty Development Day, we shared a thoughtful discussion about teaching, learning and challenges that powerful new artificial intelligence (e.g., ChatGPT) poses to both. We shared ideas and approaches – here is a sample:
  1.     Create assignments that are less vulnerable to AI (e.g., writing based on student experiences; class presentations; in-class writing; problem-based and scaffolded work)
  2.     Create assignments that ask students to critically evaluate (rhetorical analysis/peer review) or revise (ChatGPT first draft that students revise) AI products.
  3.       Focus on your goals for the class, for each unit, how students can demonstrate their learning, and how you can explicitly link learning to their real-life goals/needs.
  4.     Hold class discussions to help students critically evaluate AI, considering the nature of knowledge and who controls it and how that shapes AI. It makes mistakes and replicates biases we see in society (e.g., misogyny).
  5.     Remind students about our faith in their ability to succeed – and how much more they gain by earning that success, in terms of pride, confidence, and skills.
  6.       Remember that sometimes students do make mistakes and do not do their own work. We want to remember not to take that personally.
  7.     To help students avoid making mistakes, it is important to give students clear information about your expectations for their work on their assignments. For instance, explain what is considered cheating versus collaboration on a group project. Knowing your students and setting realistic expectations, with scaffolded work, may help prevent a student feeling a need to resort to plagiarism.
  8.     Two articles:  Embrace the bot article and Updating your course syllabus for chatGPT
  9.       Sample syllabus/assignment/Blackboard language: Using any Artificial Intelligence technology like ChatGPT is academically dishonest, similar to paying a person to write your paper or take your test. Submitting work or ideas that you have not completed as if they were your own, without giving them proper credit, is plagiarism.